At Imperagen, we are reinventing enzyme engineering from the ground up with a truly innovative platform that overcomes previous inefficiencies and addresses the market needs of speed, capacity, and scalability.


At Imperagen, we are reinventing enzyme engineering from the ground up with a truly innovative platform that overcomes previous inefficiencies and addresses the market needs of speed, capacity, and scalability.

Digital Enzyme Evolution™

Our state-of-the-art platform combines patented advances in AI, precision DNA editing, and laboratory automation in a single platform to accelerate enzyme engineering.

Accelerating enzyme innovation with an AI-powered and fully digitalised platform


Rapid AI-powered hotspot identification

Our chemical intelligence quickly identifies the parts of enzymes that are crucial for performance even before experiments. Proprietary physics-based algorithms, AI, and high-performance computing allow us to hone in on hotspots, tackling multiple parameters, to reach a truly breakthrough speed in enzyme development.


Precision DNA builds

Our generative gene design and smart DNA library process uses the AI predictions to create variants that are simultaneously optimised for assembly, mutation, and expression, increasing the speed and reliability of the screening process.


Accelerate through automation

Every step of our process has been reimagined to create a fully automated and digitalised laboratory workflow. Our integrated robotics platform makes previously long and complex protocols routine and reliable, enabling successful results in weeks, not months.

The future is Digital Enzyme Evolution™

Through digitalisation, we are transforming the entire enzyme engineering process. We have developed a unique platform that can meet market needs by delivering:

Unparalleled speed

Reduce the need for upfront experimental data and get to performance improvements sooner. Combining AI with automation, our solution is optimised for efficiency at every stage.

Total flexibility

Our method can be applied across a diverse range of enzyme classes and target multiple performance parameters including turnover, stability, and expression.

Seamless scalability

Fully digitalised across the entire computational and experimental workflow, our platform makes the process routine and dependable, with capacity to handle multiple projects at once.

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Get in touch to learn more about our innovative platform and discover how we can quickly transform your enzyme needs into market-ready solutions.

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